What the F 101 is an animated web series that you can find on Collegehumor’s Dropout streaming service (or that you can watch clips of on their YouTube channel). The best way I’d describe it is that it’s a mesh of Magic School Bus and Adam Ruins Everything, which is kind of a weird mix, but it works so well.

What I mean by this is the series takes the concept of having an animated show where a teacher takes her classroom of students on adventures, but it puts an adult spin on it. Rather than showing the kids wonderful things that will open their minds to the joys of the world, What the F 101 instead decides to tear apart their preconceived notions about the world. The group travels to different time periods and witnesses the terrors of the past, which are all based on real things in history.

For me, the biggest weakness of the show is its comedic dialogue and character moments, but that its biggest strength is presenting its educational content in such a messed up way. It’s the kind of series that I only recommend to people with a semi-twisted sense of humor, and that enjoy things that have shock value to them. Otherwise, it can be a humorless endeavor. I just enjoyed the topics that the show delved into, and I appreciated the funny way that it presented its information. It’s worth a watch if you have Dropout, but it’s not a selling point of the platform for me personally.
