I really struggle to come up with new things to say about each new season of Family Guy. A lot of these recent seasons have just started to blend together for me, and even when I go to write the review for a season, I don’t remember hardly any of the episodes from the beginning of it. Season 18 is no exception to all of this. A lot of times this show just comes and goes for me. I watch it, find mild entertainment, and then forget about it.

One of the reasons why it’s hard to talk about this season in particular is because there’s not really any standout episodes, one way or another. There weren’t any episodes I vehemently hated, which is good, but I’d also argue that even some of the better episodes this season felt very generic in comparison to some of the greats from previous ones. I usually try to at least mention the special episodes or story arcs in a season, but in season 18 there really weren’t any to speak of.

So, another year, another 20-episode set of episodes. I continue to watch this show out of dedication, but it definitely isn’t doing anything amazing these days. And yet, I’m still always happy to watch it and usually end up being slightly entertained, so take that for what you will. It’s just hard to talk about because it’s all starting to run together for me. I think most people are in the same boat as me where anyone that’s still watching this show is getting some enjoyment out of it, but nothing particularly noteworthy. This is just another newer generic season of Family Guy.


Favorite Episode: “Baby Stewie” – Stewie accidentally builds a machine that takes away his superior intellect, thus turning him into an “actual baby.” I thought this was a really fun concept, and I’m surprised it hasn’t been done sooner.

Least Favorite Episode: “Holly Bibble” – One of the episodes where Peter tells three stories centered around some concept. In this one, he’s telling stories from the Bible. It was really clear that the writers had the most surface-level knowledge of these stories, and so there was never any real clever satire here like there’s been for other episodes like this. Instead, it’s just a bunch of cheap shots that aren’t really funny at all.