This is going to be a much shorter review than I typically write, because I just don’t have anything interesting to say here. This is the fifteenth season (or seventh season of the revival, if that’s how you think of it) of an improv comedy show that’s never really changed its format all that much. There’s nothing significantly new or different about season 15 that I’m able to talk about in any kind of depth.

It’s also not like there’s any kind of plot or story to talk about. This is the same improv comedy we’ve been seeing from these performers for years now, for better or worse. 90% of the games played are ones we’ve seen dozens of times by now. The only real variation the show has are in the episodes where there’s special guests, but I’ve realized over the years that the show is better off in its episodes without the guests, and that the series just works better when it sticks to doing what it’s good at.

Despite me not having anything profound to say about the show, that doesn’t mean that I don’t enjoy it. I still do. It’s funny and entertaining, but there’s not much to say about it past that. This has always been a “distraction” kind of show for me, one that I watch when I need a mindless pick-me-up. Season 15 still serves up plenty of this shallow entertainment. Is this one of the greatest comedies of all time that you must watch? No, of course not. But if you’ve ever liked Whose Line, season 15 continues the trend of what makes the show good and just delivers more of the same.
