My appreciation for Legion has only grown more and more as the series has progressed. I thought season 1 was cool and abstract, but uninteresting with its plot. In season 2 I definitely saw more flashes of brilliance with the show, although I was still sometimes on the fence about it. Now, as season 3 approached, I found myself getting super excited to see more of the show. And for my entire journey during it, I thought the show was absolutely incredible. This is one of the most unique shows out there, which is a great compliment considering its part of the oversaturated superhero/comics genre. I appreciate this show so much for what it is now, and so considering season 3 is the final season of the show, I’m really going to miss it.

So, the comic book version of Legion has been labeled as being sort of an antihero/villain. The show really didn’t explore this much at all in season 1, but then the seeds were definitely growing in season 2. Then, season 2 ends on a note where we see David finally going full-on villain, and so season 3 picks up with all of this. The basic plot of this season, which was much easier to follow than the first two seasons, is that Syd and her group are now hunting for David in an effort to stop him from ending the world. David, who has now amassed a cult to follow him, is instead motivated by his love for Sydney, and he still wants to make things right. His idea for this is to find a time traveler, and use them to go back in time and undo all of the bad things he’s done. This idea is further explored when David realizes that he can go back to when he was a baby and prevent the Shadow King from ever entering his body in the first place. I found myself the most invested in the story than I ever was before, although part of this is because I wanted to see how it all ends.

Still, before this my main reason that I liked Legion was simply because of its abstract visuals, but this time I got even more out of all of it. However, the visuals that we’ve come to know and love are definitely never sacrificed here. If you’re like me and have always just liked watching this show because it’s the TV equivalent of going on an acid trip, then just know that you’re in for even more incredible stuff this season. The time travel bits lend themselves to some great visual moments, the best of which is the introduction of creatures known as time demons. However, there’s also plenty of the usual abstract reality-bending moments, as well as plenty weird moments, including a rap battle. There’s so much beautiful eye candy to enjoy this season, and so the show definitely ends on a bang in that respect.

Honestly, Legion’s third and final season was my favorite one, and I feel like it’s actually made me appreciate the show as a whole so much more. I think it ended after an appropriate amount of time (I wouldn’t want a show like this to drag on and lose its magic), but I’m going to miss it because I’ve truly never seen another show like this. While I know Legion was never going to be marketable to a mass audience because of how abstract it is, I do hope that people that are into this kind of show will give it a chance. I’ll forever remember and cherish it as one of the most unique and interesting comic book shows to have ever been created.
