Originally written September 26, 2014

Season 3 of Game of Thrones just keeps moving the show right along. It keeps the story moving along at a fast pace, and it’s a very rewarding experience if you’ve invested yourself in the world and all of its characters.

This season is just like the first two in the sense that it’s always juggling multiple storylines from different characters all at once. As always, there’s more new characters being introduced all the time, and ones that have already been established are being given new things to do. What’s great is that a main character doesn’t even need to be featured for a while, but the show still manages to make you care when something does happen with them. Characters are constantly moving in and out of the spotlight. For example, Stannis Baratheon’s story is kind of put to the side for a while this season, while characters like Jamie Lannister and Sam Tarley are given a lot more things to do.

As for how this season compares to the first two, it’s hard to say. Season 1 has definitely been the weakest season of the show so far, having the least interesting stories. I put season 3 pretty on par with season 2, but it’s hard to say which one is better. When I examine each characters’ individual storylines, a lot of them had more interesting stories in season 2, like Tyrion Lannister or Arya Stark (although on the flip side, characters like Jon Snow and Bran Stark have more interesting stories). Despite that, I feel like this show continues to improve as it progresses though. I find myself more invested the farther I get in. So, while individual storylines might have been more interesting in season 2, as a whole I think season 3 has continued to improve the show slightly. This is definitely one of the best shows to become invested in.
