When I first started watching Magic for Humans, it was because I wanted something short, mindless, and simple to watch. I was always a fan of magic, and so I figured a short 6-episode Netflix series about a guy going around doing magic would be a fun diversion. The show has now released its third season, and with each season I’ve gotten the same level of enjoyment out of it. It has continued to serve as a quick, fun diversion to watch, and I really appreciate it for what it is.

Season 3 is 7 episodes long, and like its two previous seasons, each episode is centered around a theme. Magician Justin Willman continues to go around performing magic tricks for people, all with the hope of being able to connect to humanity a bit more. He explores more human traits/values here, with the episode themes revolving around things like power, self-care, and tradition. The episodes in this season felt just as strong as the first two seasons.

While I’ve continued to enjoy this show for what it is, I also recognize that it doesn’t make for the most exciting review. There’s nothing really new to say about the show here in its third season. So, I guess this is more of just an exercise in continuing to appreciate that you’re getting what you want out of a show. Justin Willman just manages to keep things interesting, and continues to deliver some of the most insane tricks that I’ve ever seen. I will never understand how he pulls off some of the tricks he does, but that’s part of the fun here. Either way, if nothing else I hope this review serves as a reminder that this is a really fun show, and so if you’re interested in magic at all I think it’s worth jumping into this. I noticed that this got into the top 10 viewed shows on Netflix at one point when it premiered, so it definitely seems to have found an audience, and I’m grateful for that. I’m sure there will be at least another season or two of this, and so I look forward to seeing more of it.
