Originally written December 18, 2009

Pulp Fiction has a reputation as being one of the best movies ever made, and for good reason. Following up the great success of Reservoir Dogs, director/writer Quentin Tarantino came out with his second and most famous work to date, Pulp Fiction. If you want to treat yourself to one of the most awesome movies ever made, Pulp Fiction is the way to go.

Pulp Fiction presents itself in an interesting way. Rather than just focusing on a central character throughout the whole film, the movie instead divides itself into four different story segments. We are given a view into the lives of two mob hit men, a boxer, a big-time gangster and his wife, and two robbers. It really weaves together quite nice, and presents an interesting story.

Oddly enough, Pulp Fiction isn’t just the typical crime/thriller movie. The movie includes a lot of what Tarantino has become famous for…amazing writing and dialogue. All throughout, the movie really is just a lot of talking, but it presents itself in a way where it never gets stale and the conversation is always interesting, and in some cases even epic. There was only one or two times in the movie where the dialogue kind of dragged on, but this is scarce and considering the movie is two and a half hours long, acceptable.

What goes great with the writing of the dialogue is the way it’s delivered. This is because Pulp Fiction features an absolutely terrific cast that always give awesome performances. Aside from great talents such as Uma Thurman, Pulp Fiction features three stars who are absolutely huge: Samuel L. Jackson, John Travolta, and even Bruce Willis. These three actors, along with everyone else who appears throughout the movie, do absolutely fantastic and give a really good show.

Honestly, it’s actually hard to explain why it is that Pulp Fiction is great. It just is. This isn’t really something I can tell about, it’s just something you have to experience for yourself. Everything about the movie is incredible, and it has so many quotable lines. Give Pulp Fiction a try, because trust me, you won’t regret it.


AUTHOR’S NOTE: I’ve re-read my review of Pulp Fiction, which is one of my favorite movies of all time. This review was written 10 years ago, when I was still just starting out writing reviews. Therefore, I hope you’ll excuse the difference in style and word choice to some of my modern reviews. However, I still agree with what I said about the movie, and so I don’t feel the need to write a new review of it. I’ve edited this review so that confusing parts of it made more sense, but other than that this is just a raw form of an old review I wrote. If I feel the need to write a new review for Pulp Fiction one day I will, but as of right now I don’t feel the need to since I still agree with the review, even if I think my writing skills have improved in the 10 years since. Thanks for understanding 🙂