Originally written July 4, 2017

Better Call Saul is an interesting phenomenon because it’s been almost as good as the show it spun off from, Breaking Bad, and yet it has received significantly less attention than Breaking Bad. It’s a shame because I feel that this is one of the best shows currently on TV, and yet I hardly ever hear people talk about it. Season 3 continues Better Call Saul’s greatness by delivering 10 new episodes that are really well done.

As a series, Better Call Saul has the kind of plot where it’s just a continuous story all throughout. While there are certain arcs that play out throughout the season, what’s found in season 3 is mostly just a continuation of season 2. There isn’t really a self-contained story for the season, which makes it hard to talk about without spoiling anything. So, I’ll just be vague. Basically, if you recall the ending of season 2, then the payoff to that in season 3 is amazing. We see Jimmy and Chuck’s relationship really start to deteriorate. Characters start to move in interesting directions, and with season 3 seeing the return of a fan favorite Breaking Bad character, Gus Fring, things are really starting to be set into place to bridge the gap between Better Call Saul and Breaking Bad. I’m not sure how much more the show can go on for, as we’re really starting to see certain things unfolding.

I know I’m probably doing the show a disservice by not talking about it in more depth, but truthfully given the nature of a show like this, I find it hard to discuss details of it with people unless they’ve seen it too. The show just has a really great cast of characters, and much like Breaking Bad a lot of them are starting to go into some really interesting moral gray areas. In fact, on the whole I find the show to be going pretty similarly along the same trajectory as Breaking Bad in the sense that it just keeps getting better and better the more it builds on itself. While I don’t want to give anything else away, I’ll just say that Better Call Saul is definitely a show that you should be watching if you’re not.
