Originally written November 7, 2011

And here is Kevin Smith’s newest film. Wait, Kevin Smith? That guy who made all those funny movies, like Clerks, Jay and Silent Bob, and Zack and Miri Make a Porno? He made…this? Yes, well as the cover says, this is “an unlikely film from that Kevin Smith.” After making only comedies in his career, Kevin Smith decided to branch out here and make an action/thriller.

Basically, the movie is about these three teens who go on this website where you hook up with people. They get an invitation for sex, and so they drive off one night to meet this woman. Well, it turns out this woman is part of a crazy church group that protests at funerals and kills homosexuals. The woman drugs these teens so that they can be sacrificed.

It wasn’t too bad of a movie. It can be summed up pretty easily though. The first half shows how crazy these church people are, and then the second half is just an intense gun battle between the church and the police. I guess the only real complaint I have is that I never really quite understood where the movie was going or what it was trying to accomplish by the end. By the end I just said “…what?” and didn’t really feel any different than I did at the beginning of it. Still, though, I thought the movie was enjoyable, and it had some pretty epic scenes. It’s just kind of one of those movies that’s out there, but that’s not always a bad thing. Good attempt by Kevin Smith to try something different.
